
Jason/Jasiah Delray

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Jason Delray
Jason Delray by Karen Eastland

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on Jason's broad shoulders. The emerald green of his eyes, usually sparkling with mischief, were now clouded with worry. The loss of King Pybba's father had sent a tremor through their community, and Jason, also known as, Jasiah, couldn't shake the fear the same fate awaited his own father. King Creoda, remained tight-lipped about the growing threat, leaving Jason and his fellow young leaders in the dark. The Bantru, a breed of monstrous vampires, were a chilling mystery, their existence shrouded in secrecy.

Josephine Marlin, the girl he'd been tasked to protect, was an enigma. Growing up alongside her, Jason had always felt an inexplicable pull towards her. Now, as he watched her navigate the human world, her innate allure drew others to her like moths to a flame. It wasn't just humans; even magical beings couldn't resist her charm. The responsibility of keeping her safe was immense, and the task of controlling his warriors, all equally captivated by Josephine, was proving to be a constant struggle.

Every morning, Jason stepped through the portal that connected his realm to the human world. He was a towering figure at 6'4", his lean, muscular build a testament to his heritage. His short black hair and handsome face were often softened by a warm smile, but lately, a furrow had etched itself between his brows. He met Mark, whose father recently died in battle, in an overgrown park. Their shared grief is a silent bond between them.

As orderlies at the local hospital, they weren't just fulfilling mundane tasks. They were also fulfilling a sacred duty, procuring human flesh for the flesh-eating creatures of their world. It was a grim necessity, a way to keep the human world safe from the more monstrous denizens of their realm. The delicate balance between the human and magical worlds rested on their shoulders.

Jason was more than just an orderly; he was a general, a warrior, a prince in waiting. He longed for the day Josephine would come into her full power, the day he could step out of the shadows and fight by her side, not just as her protector, but as her equal.

When Josephine vanished, a cold dread gripped Jason's heart. The world appeared to tilt on its axis, the vibrant colours of his realm fading into a muted grey. He rallied his warriors, his emerald eyes burning with determination. He would find her, no matter the cost.

Summoned to Josephine's home, Jason met Mavis and June, the housekeepers. Their warmth and hospitality were a balm to his frayed nerves. As he moved through Josephine's home, an unfamiliar sense of peace settled over him. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in days, a feeling that whispered of hope in the face of darkness.